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Prenatal Support

As your doula, I offer comprehensive prenatal support to help you and your partner prepare for childbirth and the transition into parenthood. Our meetings will be focused on discussing your birth plan, exploring options, and figuring out how to make your vision for your birth come true. You’ll have my constant communication and support throughout your pregnancy, and I'll be on call for you starting at 38 weeks. We will also discuss various positions, coping mechanisms, pain management, breastfeeding and anything else you may need support with to help you feel confident and empowered as you enter this new chapter of your life.

Labour and Birthing Support

Labor and birthing support is essential to a successful birthing experience. As your doula, I take pride in advocating for you, implementing pain-relieving techniques, suggesting positions to help progress labor, and creating your ideal birthing environment. My support encourages partners to be involved in the birthing process, providing them with valuable experience, knowledge and techniques. As a result, you will feel fully supported during your labour and delivery. I am here to support you and your growing family, and you will have my complete and undivided attention, as I am eager to make your birth a positive and empowering experience. 

Postpartum Support

At my Doula practice, I provide postpartum support that allows new parents to breathe a little easier. Whether you need help with meal prep and cleaning, or just some time for yourself to relax and decompress during this special time, I'm here for you. My services create a nurturing environment for your newborn, so you can trust that I will care for you and baby whole heartedly. My services can be whatever you need! If you need more bonding time with your baby, I can pick up other demanding tasks around the house. If you need bonding time with your partner, I can take shifts with baby! We will work together to make sure your needs are met and you can embrace and enjoy this exciting time.


Sarah Brockerville

+1 416-565-6120

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